Kamis, 25 Maret 2010

N-Viro Alternative Fuel Energy

Some alternative energy companies are now developing new ways to recycle waste by generating electricity from landfill waste and pollution.

While new energy solutions are being discovered, refined and brought further and further into the public light, something that does not get a lot of headlines is waste to energy. Now researchers are thinking about using this waste energy.

A good news come from N-Viro International which support clean coal biofuel technology. They convert various types of waste into beneficial alternative fuel products. Their coal clean fuel product of course will help us to save our green environment.

N-Viro International is an environmental and materials operating company that owns patented clean coal technology to convert various types of waste into beneficial opportunity fuels products.

N-Viro Fuel has received alternative energy status from the US Environmental Protection Agency, which qualifies the technology for renewable energy incentives. N-Viro operates processing facilities independently as well as in partnership with municipalities.